Tempted by our routes and our philosophy, but still having doubts and concerns? We are here to help you!

If there is a question on your mind that we have not covered here, do not hesitate to contact us directly at [email protected]

Are your trips scheduled on specific dates?

We offer both small-group trips on specific dates and private trips that are fully personalized and customized.

How many persons can travel in your routes?

The maximum number of participants in our group trips is only 6, so that we preserve the intimate and personalized character that we wish our travels to have.

As regards to the private trips, the number could be from 1 to 8 because the accommodations we support are small and cannot host more than 8 persons. 

Can I travel with you if I am a solo traveler?

Of course! This is one of the reasons we organise the small-group trips that everyone can join.

Joseph and your fellow travellers are the most suitable and reliable company for people who travel alone and can offer them a unique and safe experience.

What is the cost of your trips?

The cost of our small-group trip of 6 persons is 1.290 euros (flight not included) per person. The cost of a private trip depends on the duration and the number of people. Every trip is unique as the people who want to travel with us. Our goal is to plan the route based on the needs and preferences of our travelers and make their dream come true!

How do I know that your partners are paid fairly?

This is clear from the way you make your payment. We have chosen a business model that allows our partners to estimate and set their own fee, which the traveler gives directly to them. Routes for good adds the management fee (+ 8%) on top instead of extracting it from them. Therefore, you know exactly where your money goes.

Are your trips dangerous?

The areas we visit are remote and off the beaten path, but this does not mean that they are dangerous. After all, our partners are locals and know better than anyone how to organize a safe trip and how to cope with anything that arises during it. Our guides take every measure to create a sense of security in our travelers and to avoid any situation that may adversely affect our journey.

Can I travel with children?

The destination is not unsuitable for children; on the contrary we believe that it is very useful and educational for people to be exposed from an early age to different cultures and situations. However, the traveler should keep in mind that the areas we operate are remote and hardly accessible, and daily we drive many hours in rough and bumpy roads. Also, the services and facilities regarding accommodation and food are basic. For the above reasons, in our small-group trips we only accept children over 16 years old.